--> Thus Sayeth The Hellhounds
Random Quotes from the HMC Board

"And we should all embrace our inner sluts occasionally."

"Can I help it if I read the Kama Sutra cover to cover by the time I was 14 ?"

"Aren't Bert and Ernie in Sesame Street touching each other a bit too often?"

"Shhh you will blow my whole cover...shit girl..Mac and Otts dont need to know their crabs are secretly spies."

"What does that say about me? I'm head of the psycho department and damned proud of it!"

"Could I borrow one of your paddles???"

"I know I'd be giddy if he had sex with someone who was like me."

"Note to self, send virtual e-cards to all my enemies."

"I hear annoying voices. EVIL LENO!!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!"

"Ummm, I need you to be support-o-gal here, ok?"

"Hell yeah, all of the stations are gonna want to buy Selz TV. Fox, UPN and the WB can f&ck off though."

"I'm sure this will lower female and gay man crime rates! who needs vandalism when you have JM BUTT!!!"

"SMUT for HIRE."

"Funny, that's what people say bout my penis."

"Actually you just went there first, ya sick little monkey."

"Nudity is embraced here, especially by hot chicks!"